Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about ScoreNotch.

Yes, Team ScoreNotch can help you do that as part of our premium upgrade.
ScoreNotch is completely secure as it’s built on top of Salesforce and meets the security checks required by Salesforce.
Gamification elements in ScoreNotch are custom, in order to provide increased flexibility.
Yes, you can do so using the in-built migration screen.
As of now, ScoreNotch is limited to community users. As the product is developed, it will be available in Sales, as well as Service Cloud.
You will be notified when the limit is about to be reached so that you can upgrade, if required.
Standard Salesforce reporting is available in ScoreNotch.
Yes. You can sort the leaderboard on the basis of ‘Last Week’ and ‘Last Month’.
Yes. These integrations can be done if APIs are provided. You can embed third-party scores within ScoreNotch gamification with custom development.